Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Smash and Grab

Have you ever had one of those moments when you are woken out of a sound sleep but for a second or two you're not sure why?

I had one of those moments last Friday early in the morning (about 3:30 am). Ed hopped up out of bed and all of a sudden I was up putting on my bathrobe but I wasn't sure what was happening. Slowly the pieces came together, someone was banging on our front door, and Ed was yelling from the upstairs "Who is it?"

It was our neighbor Dave who sleeps lightly with his window open. Apparently my car alarm had been going off for some time. We went outside to find that someone had smashed my car window with a rock. I thought that was dumb, I don't even have a good radio or anything and couldn't imagine what they broke in for. I looked in the car, the radio was fine, nothing seemed different than when I parked my car there after Spanish class.

I was ticked though because they broke the window that I had just spent $100 on, to fix it. (It wouldn't roll up or down)

Not happy about being awake at that time of the morning, I went upstairs to go to bed. For Ed it was about the time he usually gets up for work so he volunteered to stay awake and call the police.

I was laying in my bed trying to fall back asleep and was thinking about how glad I was I had stopped at the store on my way home from class otherwise my wallet and ipod would have been in the car with my book bag. And then it dawned on me "where WAS my book bag" I again threw on my bathrobe and ran downstairs. The policeman was there writing a report and taking pictures. I looked in the car and sure enough my book bag was gone, along with my make up bag. Now I was really bummed. They took my Spanish Books!! I love my Spanish class!

I have been so bummed out because of the money and inconvenience it's going to be to get the window replaced, buy all new makeup (ok besides the money I have to admit I was looking forward to the new makeup part) and replace my Spanish books. My only satisfaction was in the thought that I was sure the thieves were hoping for better and were very disappointed when they realized there were only books and pens in the bag.

Last night I went to my Spanish Class, I sat in a differenct seat than usual so I could share a book with a girl I've gotten to know. When the professor came in he mentioned I wasn't there because my seat was empty. I told him I was there, and why I was sitting in a new place. He told me he would get me a new book.

At the end of class he called me over and gave me his book! He told me that I could have it and it would be good for the rest of Spanish 1 and for Spanish 2 as well. He also said he would bring the workbook pages for Spanish 1 and 2 so I could photocopy them! I wanted to cry I was so happy. I asked him if it was appropriate to hug my professor, he laughed and gave me a hug. (don't get any ideas, he's young enough to be my son)

I love Prof. Vega!!!!