Monday, August 25, 2008

No Competition for Ace of Cakes

Years ago I made birthday cakes for all the kids in my family. They were generally character cakes determined by what the birthday boy/girl liked, and the popular cartoons of the day. I loved making them, and enjoyed how excited the kids were to see their cakes.

Our family grew and grew and over time we stopped celebrating birthdays together. I stopped making birthday cakes. In fact I never made them anymore even for my own family, if we had a cake it was because I bought one.

One of the shows I like to watch is Ace of Cakes. (not sure what channel) If you haven’t seen it, is a show about a Bakery that makes fantastic cakes. I’ve watched it so many times envying the creative talents of the cake makers on the show.

Jan has revived my career of cake maker at least as far as Owen’s birthdays are concerned. Last year Jan made Owen’s cake, Mickey Mouse’s Clubhouse, in true Ace of Cake fashion fondant and all.

This year she asked me to make Owen’s cake for his Pirate Birthday Party. Jan bought all the supplies and I came Friday night to get going on the cake. I had so much fun and it was great to surprise Owen. He really like his cake.

Although I’m definitely no competition for Ace of Cakes, I thought it turned out cute, and it was a lot of fun.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Surprise Visitor

Last night I was laying on the floor of my living room, playing a game on my ipod touch, just killing time til the Olympics started.

I am a fan of the Olympics and I have really enjoyed watching Michael Phelps this year. He is amazing. I would love to watch him race in person. I can't imagine being the other swimmers when he is in the race!

Well like I said I was laying on the floor playing a game and I heard a noise behind me but I didn't pay too much attention because I thought it was just Ed coming in from watering the grass. All of a sudden I realized there were two little tennis shoes standing in front of me, I was so excited as I looked up and sure enough there was Eli standing in front of me, just waiting for me to notice him.

What a great Surprise!! I wasn't expecting to see them again till the middle of September. I guess they decided since scholl hadn't started yet they would come down and go to Disneyland one
more time before their passes run out.

Needless to say, just like one of Eli's favorite songs, on one of his favorite TV shows, "I'm so Happy"